"Oh, this is the start of something good, Don't you agree? I haven't felt like this in so many moons, You know what I mean? And we can build through this destruction, As we are standing on our feet. So, since you want to be with me, You'll have to follow through, With every word you say..."

She woke up quite early before her alarm went off but yet felt energized and well rested. Her wrist hurt from the squash lesson of last night a bit, but she liked it as it reminded her of the exercising. She took a long shower, made an egg omelette with mushrooms and cheese for both of them and after breakfast in bed she sat by her laptop with a cup of Earlgrey tea. She couldn't believe when she saw her picture on her favourite fashion tumblr and how many times it was reblogged. What a perfect start of the day...
Probudila se docela brzo, ještě před zvoněním budíku, ale cítila se energicky a odpočatě. Zápěstí ji trochu bolelo po včerejší hodině squashe, ale to jí nevadilo, alespoň jí to připomnělo, že se hýbala. Dala si dlouhou sprchu, připravila vaječnou omeletu s houbami a sýrem pro oba a po snídani v posteli si sedla s hrnkem Earl Grey čaje k laptopu. Nemohla uvěřit, když spatřila svoji fotografii na jejím oblíbeném fashion tumblru a taky koliktrát byla reblogovaná. Nemohlo býti lepšího začátku dne...


  1. to preto lebo si skvelá! ;)

  2. nedivím se, protože tvůj blog je nádhernej! a chci ten dort/koláč!!

  3. Wow...tvuj je blog je absolutne skvely!!!
    Hlasim se mezi followery a nemuzu se dockat dalsich prispevku:)

    Pozdravy ze Sicilie:)J.

  4. krásne fotky :)
    ten sveter je uzasny a ten nahrdelnik tak isto ( je z H&m ci sa mi to s niecim pomylilo? :D )

  5. Krasne fotky. Moc se mi tvuj blog libi!
    Zdravim z nedalekeho Bruselu! :-)

